This is the best thing I've made (with the help of my pops, of course) for my kitchen-- to date! My kids love this kraft paper roller almost as much as I do. The holder only took a couple of hours from start to finish! I wanted to post a DIY of this project, but I lost all of the step by step pictures I took during the process, so I'll just share the final product. If I have enough comments, I will dedicate a post for making this as a DIY. I know you will love it as much as I do. So far, we've used the paper to tear off and draw pictures while eating at the dinner table, writing weekly spelling words for the kids, my grocery list, inspirational quotes, and sweet notes to the hubs. But, ever since I drew my kids outline of their tiny bodies, I can't manage to tear the sheet off for anything else.
The Kraft paper was purchased from Amazon and the mint clock from Target.
Aren't those knobs fun!? I purchased them from our local craft store and it added the touch of personality I was looking for. Do you see that greasy handprint down below? I promise, it wasn't me. I am putting all of the blame on my littlest. She gets away with everything! But, look at the cute outlines of my sweet children though. Ahh, it makes me want to freeze time and let them be little for a while longer.
So, what do you think? Are you a fan of the Kraft paper roller? What would you do with your paper roll and what room in the house would you put it in?
Back to school
Friday, September 2, 2016
The first day of school has come and gone, but believe me, I didn't forget to snap a picture of my sweet babies as they headed out for a day of firsts!
My Cambria moved up to first grade. She was so excited to be where her brother has treaded before and do it side by side with a few of her besties!
Can't you just see the sass squeeze out of this picture?
My Addison moved up to second grade, and we are thrilled for him! He has an amazing teacher who happens to live around the corner from us. He's got a great group of boys in his class, and a couple are on his baseball team. This boy is our spelling master! He's already come home with two spellings tests with a 106 score on each! Way to go buddy!
I just know these two are going to be heartbreakers this year! Good thing they have eachother's backs and their classrooms are in the same hallway.
This munchkin here is stuck with me! This is her first time as a busy toddler to be without her big siblings around during the day to play with. For the first week, she would walk up the stairs looking for Ad and Cami in their rooms. Turns out she wasn't happy when she couldn't find them and little Miss turned into a cranky mess. Well, she finally settled in with me, and now I'm in good (fingers crossed)! I can be a fun substitute for a playmate I'd say. This girl cracks me up all day, just look at that happy face!
We sure are glad to be back in school, and back in a regular routine! Now, we are just patiently waiting for fall to arrive so we can play baseball in the crisp evenings. Until then, we just play in the humidity and spray ourselves down to keep the bugs away!
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